About us

Early years

Maris Stella High School National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC) Unit has its humble beginnings some 46 years ago. Formed in January 1967, it was led by our first Officer-in-charge (OC) Mr. Wong Kong Wee, who was one of the pioneer officers instrumental in setting up NPCC Units in Singapore.

Weekly trainings were carried out on Sundays in the early years, then on Saturdays all the way till early 2000s. Apart from the weekly training, the Second Year Cadets were required to attend parade practices. They were selected to attend the Serangoon District Parade on 18 May 1968, and took a keen interest in all the training activities. They attended numerous practices and rehearsals for the various parades.

The Second Year Cadets also participated in the in the Inter-Unit Annual Revolver Shooting Competition for the Cheam Kim Seang Trophy (Boys) in 1968. Their total score was 444 out of a possible 720, which placed them 16th in position out of the 43 schools taking part.

During the second term holidays, twenty Second Year Cadets and two officers attended the Annual Camp at the Airport Road P.D.F. Camp from the 11th of August, 1968. They took part in activities planned by the Camp Officials. The First Year Cadets went for their revolver shooting, where they were taught how to handle a revolver. They were given dry practices and were told strictly to observe the rules at the Shooting Range.

The Unit Today

From left: Insp(NPCC) Seah Sheng Zhi, Insp(NPCC) Eric Tan, Insp(NPCC) Florence Lim (Deputy OC), ASP(NPCC) Lee Shiao Pey (OC Unit), H/ASP(NPCC) Paul Seah, Insp(NPCC) Justin Law, P/CI(NPCC) Cedric Hong

The Unit is presently led by our OC, ASP(NPCC) Lee Shiao Pey and Deputy OC, Insp(NPCC) Florence Lim together with a team of 3 other Teacher Officers, 1 Honorary Officer and 6 Cadet Inspectors.

We have evolved over the years to become a holistic CCA not only just focusing on drills, campcraft and police-knowledge proficiencies, but also in air weapons, outdoor adventures as well as venturing beyond our shores in overseas expeditions and values-in-action projects.

The Unit continues to strive for excellence and has been awarded the Unit Overall Proficiency Award (UOPAGold Award for 15 consecutive years since 1999. The NPCC UOPA is conferred annually by NPCC Headquarters and it is awarded by assessing the overall performance of NPCC school units in an academic year.



We, the members of the National Police Cadet Corps, do here and now solemnly and sincerely pledge that:

We will always bear true faith and allegiance to the President and our Republic of Singapore.

We will always be loyal and true to our country, our people and the government.

We will always be prepared to serve our country and community.

We will always preserve the peace and uphold the law.


To become the best youth organisation in Singapore, one that actively helps to make Singapore the safest place in the world.


To develop our members to be active citizens and community leaders, by working in partnership with the Singapore Police Force to fight crime and keep Singapore safe.

NPCC March

We will be faithful and always steadfast
Loyalty and service that's our aim
To serve with pride, ever looking forward
Marching onward all the time

Between all races,
there is no barrier
In NPCC, we all join hands
To stand by Singapore in her endeavors
Serving our land all the time.

Chorus (x3)

NPCC! Let's join hands
Uphold the law, preserve peace
NPCC! Let's join hands
Marching onward all the time